Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Evidence I gathered against the Orange Hat Gang (OHG)

The following pictures were taken recently by me to demonstrate the wanton destruction of the Orange Hat Gang (OHG). Once I catch these criminals, I will submit this evidence to support my case against them in court. I'm currently working on a class-action lawsuit so others like me will not have to live with this noise and destruction going on in their own backyard.

Exhibit A: Here is a close-up of the graffito-tagged tree I mentioned in the previous post.

Exhibit B: This is one of their OHG camps that they set up when they are doing their 'work' on an area.

Exhibit C: I followed them one day to this place. This is one of their more upscale hideouts. Looks like some sort of meth lab to me. God only knows what harmful chemicals they're cooking up in there.

Exhibit D: They sure like to litter. I think that's one of their boots in the center. I should send it to the FBI and see if they can get a DNA sample from it.

Exhibit E: Here are some unmarked black buckets filled with mysterious harmful chemicals they left behind. I should call the bomb squad to get rid of them.

Exhibit F: They like to tear down trees, remove the bark, and re-plant them with secret communication devices like those shown in the center (I destroyed this device, but other OHG devices remain).

Exhibit G: They also like to remove stones and replace them with these "objects" that are perhaps used in some sort of OHG initiation ritual.

Exhibit H: I snuck into their camp late at night to snap this picture of their pimped out vehicles of destruction. Luckily the snow stopped their efforts, at least until it melted. Certainly the numbers on the side of the vehicle mean something? 312. Maybe the police should check it out.

Exhibit I: Here is one of their piles of dirt they created with their vehicles. You can see the fresh tire tracks in the mud from their joyriding.

Exhibit J: As you can see from this makeshift bulletin board, these men are well-organized and well-compensated for their actions. Unfortunately, as you can see from the "It's the Law" poster, the OHG is trying to pose as a legitimate business. The corrupt law may already be on their side.

Exhibit K: I've been following the OHG ever since my photography teacher in college (Margaret Stratton) urged us to do an assignment on urban development in 1999. As you can see, I've been tracking them for a long time (Note: I got an A in that class. I'm a good student, unlike OHG members).

Exhibit L: Here is another image from the same time period. Note the possible connection to Bush.

Exhibit M: And finally, "Stop." Yes, certainly someone should stop this wanton destruction.

God, I hope this is enough evidence to convict these slippery bastards. Like the mafia, the Orange Hat Gang is well-connected. I wouldn't be surprised if the OHG goes all the way to the top. President George W. Bush probably knows all about them and is keeping quiet. They probably pay his salary. Who knows, maybe the gang is so big, that they even single-handedly voted Bush into office so they could keep a man on the inside. Nah, who am I kidding. I may be crazy for exposing the OHG and saying all this, but even a blue-collared group of shmucks wouldn't be dumb enough to vote for Bush, would they? God, perhaps this gang is more evil than I thought...


(ed.-Just for fun...Exhibit N: John Nauman. I'm just an artist. I don't have any real answers, any solutions to this destruction. My job is only to hold the mirror up to society and show us our own ugly face...)

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