In high school I took a photography class led by a hippie named Ed. One of the assignments was to take a picture that we felt summed up our generation. Well, a couple of days ago I bought me a Canon A630 from Best Buy on my break, and I decided to test out my camera and try to sum up what I felt about my generation.
The above image is one of the better shots I got in my one bedroom apartment. My freezer is bare, save three trays of ice, a bottle of Jagermeister, and two ice cold shots of Jager on the shelf below. The whiteout effect of the flash and the blue tone make the picture feel cool in more ways than one.
So I think this photo does a good job of summing up my generation: hip, cool, but all booze and no food.
I'm just talkin' 'bout my g-g-g-generation.
I think Ed would give me an A, don't you?
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