Monday, February 12, 2007

Wait...Milios AND Pizza Hut for Dinner?

Wow, I really screwed up today. I'm realizing now I have absolutely no time perception. I used to be able to tell time just by turning on the tv and seeing what show was on, but not any more. I was so feverish from hunger that I couldn't tell it had only been twenty minutes since I submitted my sandwich order to so I went ahead and ordered a pizza from as well.

And not fifteen minutes after I ordered the pizza, I heard a knock on the door. "Can they cook and deliver a pizza that fast," I remember thinking as I opened the door and saw the Milio's delivery guy. Oh shit. The money on the couch was for the pizza, not the sandwich, but I was so shocked at seeing the sandwich guy I couldn't remember how much money I was holding in my hand at this point. I had to quickly shuffle the bills around: "five-ten-eleven-twelve-thirteen...ok, just take out one five...that'll be eight, yeah, that's still a decent tip...whew, that was lucky; glad I didn't have to ask him for change," I thought. The man shook his head, and grudgingly accepted my tip. "Damn, thought I was gonna get an awesome tip," he probably thought.

I shut the door and looked at the clock. 5:37. Ok, if I ordered at 4:54 then that's about forty minutes or so for a lousy sandwich. I was pissed off. Not so much at Milio's, but at myself for not waiting long enough. Now I still had a pizza coming, and it was definitely too late to call and cancel. And now I had to ask for change from the pizza gal because Milio's had FUBARed my money situation. I had three twenties and a one. And the bill was $10.75. Thirteen dollars was a decent tip, I figured. I'd give fourteen but that seems so close to fifteen, I always think the delivery guys are thinking, man just give me the extra buck. It's almost as bad as tipping $19.75 instead of just a twenty. But now I was screwed. "Lemme see...20 minus 13 is 7, so I ask for seven dollars back. I hate to do that, but oh well. It's not my fault Milio's took so long," I think as I hand her the twenty and ask for change.

So in the end I paid $21 for half sandwich and two pieces of pizza for dinner. But I guess this way I'll have leftovers for the next few days, and when I eat that last piece of pizza two days from now, I'll be reminded of the value of patience and not ordering online when you haven't eaten all day.

Peace out.

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