Monday, February 26, 2007

Jeff & John Show / John & Jeff Show

I told Jeff about the 'Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job' tonight and that I think we should partner up and do something like that. I don't have much time--Jeff plans to leave Iowa to go to California (he hasn't decided whether he want's to live in San Diego where his friend is [ed.--I should give my sister Sarah a call, she lives in San Diego] or in LA where his calling is in six months (go ahead, reread that sentence.I forgive you. It's long and complex.)). Jeff responded that he hadn't seen the show because he doesn't have cable: "I don't have cable," he said, in the pejorative sense. Like he meant to say "I don't watch television. Notice I didn't say tv. Because tv is a 'nickname.' And television is no friend of mine [ed.-thank, Mr. Show!]."

Ah, well. Too bad Jeff doesn't know what I'm talking about. I'm not sure if I have the ability right now to describe how tragically brilliant the thirty-something pair Tim and Eric are (and how brilliant we could be at their age in ten years if only we quit our line cook jobs and work hard in LA). We need to grow up, while following our dreams. Take risks. Break out of our molds. Come out of our shells.... Who am I kidding.

It's too bad. For a minute there I thought I had an idea. But you know what--what truly scares me is leaving the safety of my apartment here in Iowa with Jeff to go to California, only to discover that we are a dime a dozen. I keep trying to remind myself I always have these menial jobs to fall back on. What the hell. Live for our dreams. We're twenty-something. Our future employers don't care that we ultimately failed in LA (assuming we do). Now that I have that safety net, I can lay down the comic side of myself and give my all in LA. It's time to be serious, bitch.

Remember, "the first pancake is always the worst" ("or first," I don't remember what my 11th grade preCalc teacher Mr. Kolker used to say).

Sigh. I'm retarted.


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